06 - Missed the Boat

by Modest Mouse

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:28 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank

Song Author

Modest Mouse

Tabbed by

Steve "SPiV" Perreira IV


1st → Guitar I - Isaac Brock
2nd → Acoustic Guitar - Eric Judy
3rd → Guitar II - Johnny Marr
4th → Drums - Jeremiah Green
5th → Bass - Tom Peloso
6th → Vocals - Isaac Brock
7th → Percussion - Joe Plummer

File Size

38 KB




[verse] While we're on the sub-ject could we change the sub-ject now? I was knock-ing on your ear's door but you were al-ways out. Look-ing to-wards the future we were beg-ging for the past. Well, we know we had the good things but those ne-ver seem to last. Oh, please just last. Eve-ry-one's un-hap-py and eve-ry-one's a-shamed. Well, we all just got caught look-ing at some-bo-dy else-'s page. Well, no-thing ev-er went quite ex-act-ly as we planned. All our i-deas held no wa-ter but we used them like a dam. [chorus] Oh, and we car-ried it all so we-ll As if we got a new po-si-tion. Oh, and I laugh all the way to he-ll. I say, "Yes, this is a fine pro-mo-tion." Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell. [verse] Of course, eve-ry-one goes cra-zy over such and such and such. We made our-sel-ves a pil-lar but we just used it as a crutch. We were cer-tain-ly un-cer-tain at least I'm pret-ty sure I am. Well. we did-n't need the wa-ter but we just built that good god dam. [chorus] Oh, and I know this so my-se-lf. I as-sume this much for o-ther peo-ple. Oh, and I know this so my-se-lf. We lis-ten on lives and go do-wn on the sound of life's sweet looks. [interlude] Was it ev-er worth it? Was there all that much to gain? Well, we knew we'd missed the boat and we al-rea-dy missed the plane. We did-n't read the in-vite we just danced at our own wake. All our favo-rites were a pla-yin' so we could shake, shake, shake, shake shake. [verse] Ti-ny cur-tains op-en and we heard the ti-ny clap of lit-tle hands. The ti-ny man would tell a lit-tle joke and get a ti-ny laugh from all the folks. Drift-ing around on bub-ble's then, thin-king it was us that car-ried them When we final-ly got it fi-gured out that we had tru-ly missed the boat. [chorus] Oh, and we car-ried it all so well. As if we got a new po-si-tion. Oh, and we owned all the tools our-selv-es. With-out the skills to make a shelf with. Oh, what use-less tools, our-selv-es.


GuitarPRO tab for Studio Version by Steve "SPiV" Perreira IV. I AM NOT giving out the leak, so do not ask me for one. *not exact vocals, but enough to help you know the how long to play the song etc...*